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Childbirth Class Options

Hypnobabies Childbirth Education-Hypnobabies is a very successful 6 week, 3-hours per week, complete childbirth education course that was adapted with permission from Gerald Kein’s “Painless Childbirth Program” techniques rather than using simple relaxation, breathing or guided imagery. This allows our Hypno-Moms to enjoy “eyes-open childbirth hypnosis”, easily remaining deeply in hypnosis while walking, talking and changing positions; being as mobile as they would like to be during childbirth. Hypnobabies is well-known for helping women to create much shorter, easier and more comfortable labors, making childbirth the joyful experience it was meant to be.  To view the schedule for classes click here.


Early Pregnancy Class- This class focuses on concerns of early pregnancy.  We'll discuss how to choose your care provider and place of birth along with information about how to stay healthy and manage the common discomforts of pregnancy.    You'll learn about what to expect from your care provider visits and the testing that is done during pregnancy.  This class can be taught privately in your home and is sometimes offered as a group class as interest arises. $50


Comfort Measures for Childbirth-This class is aimed at those who need some additional training in comfort measures for childbirth beyond what they may have learned in their birthing class.  Also great for experienced moms and their birth partners who have taken a childbirth education class with a prior pregnancy but could use a refresher on comfort measures.  This class is taught in the comfort of your home.  Class time 1.5-2 hours and the cost is $100.


Basics of Childbirth-This class will take your through everything you need to know about childbirth.  You'll learn about the signs of labor, stages of labor, discussion of interventions, coping mechanisms, pushing, postpartum care and more.  This class is ideally broken up into two sessions of 2-3 hours but can also be done in one longer session as a crash course for those who are late in pregnancy and have been unable to attend a childbirth education class. During the Covid-19 pandemic I am teaching this class as a hybrid style class with sessions done virtually along with one session of 1-1.5 hours in your home to go over hands on comfort measures.  Cost is $300 for the full class.  For refresher classes  


Birth Planning Session-One of our doulas will help you create your birth preferences for you care provider like do for our doula clients.  We'll answer your questions about what to put on your birth preferences, info about choices etc.  This session will last between 45-90 minutes and may be done virtually or in person.  Typically done between 32-35 weeks.  $50


Breastfeeding Basics-This class will teach you how to identify a good latch, how to know baby is getting adequate milk intake, how to help establish a good supply, positioning the baby for feeding and how to navigate common concerns.  Ideal between 32-36 weeks.  May be done virtually or as a hybrid class.  Approximately 2 hours.  $75


Combining returning to work and nursing-This class discusses common concerns with returning to working while continuing to feed your baby human milk.  We'll discuss pumping, milk storage, building your freezer stash, and more.  Also done between 32-36 weeks and may be done virtually or in person.  Class time is approximately 1-1.5 hours.  $50


Now you can also opt for our Platinum Package which bundles childbirth classes with/without doula services in one package.  Contact us for more information on the Platinum Package.



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